Bittersweet Blues

Changed forever by his service in the Vietnam War, Ray Zahn finds that living with his parents in his old home town is no longer an option. So early one morning, Ray buys a ticket, boards a bus, and heads east. Bittersweet Blues shares Ray’s journey as he searches for purpose, salvation, and a way forward. Sad and sweet, this novella may bring to mind the works of writers like Kerouac, O’Brien, and Carver.

“A quick, satisfying read with a beautiful otherworldly feel; highly recommended for fans of John Steinbeck.”
Whose Name I Did Not Know

“Writing with his unique American voice Chris Helvey delivers a real winner. Whose Name I Did Not Know speaks to all readers with its straightforward prose about a floundering man’s darkly honest search for an elusive truth.”
Purple Adobe

Set in the solitude and silent beauty of America’s desert Southwest, Purple Adobe is the story of people who have stepped off, or been thrown from, life’s highway and into a dark and seldom side of life.